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September 15, 2017

The Use of Drones in Mining Aerial Surveying

Over the course of the past decades, we have witnessed the emergence of mining aerial surveying.The aerial surveying and mapping phenomenon has changed our approachof mining operation and exploration. Uses of Drones Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles or UAV for short, are simply flying vehicles that are piloted remotely or through the use of preprogrammed information. As such, a drone can be pre-programmed to fly over a terrain using predetermined coordinates and directions. They have a huge advantage over manned aircraft since manned aircraft are expensive and not suitable for regular airborne photogrammetry since the flying is not as consistent as pre-programmed drones. With the current level of drone technology, the use of drone photogrammetry has proven to be an amazing way to measure stockpile volume, to perform blast fragmentation, and also to create pit maps. This is particularly true of using data collected by drones to monitor both stockpile volume and to pit map. Another avenue where drones shine is in the creation of three-dimensional maps of mining areas. It is safe to say that the spatial information gathered by drones is one of the best and the most economical way to digitally create topographic maps, orthorectified […]
September 15, 2017

Doing Your First Drone Mapping Project: The Essentials

You do not have to be a professional to undertake a drone project. With the right tools, right expertise and direction, anyone can be a drone mapping expert. All it takes is the willingness to learn. Let’s get straight into the steps. Select a Drone The first step is to select the right drone. There are many options out there. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on high-tech specialized drones such as an unmanned LiDAR system. You can get an excellent user friendly drone off Amazon for less than $500. Just because they are low-priced does not mean they are not capable. As a matter of fact, in the right hands these drones can create survey-grade maps. My favorites are the DJI Phantom 3, DJI 4 and the DJI Mavic Pro. These come with good high-resolution cameras. They are also great to use with your smartphones. Choose the Mapping Solution You need a mapping solution for your drone mapping job. You will need an application for planning. With this app, you can input the data, and the application will pilot your drone at the right orientation, and so on. It will decide when to take the pictures, […]
September 14, 2017

Aerial Inspection

Aerial inspections are important as they offer a bird’s eye view, which helps in identifying potential problems and faults that are not visible from the ground. Therefore, it forms an integral part of your inspection program by ensuring your property remains in great shape as possible. Building and aerial land inspection is increasingly becoming one of the most effective ways to examine faults on complex or large sites. Aerial inspection offers a safer, quicker, as well as cost effective and a comprehensive way to inspects you network as compared to climbing checks and foot patrols. This is because of the use of drones or helicopters, which provide a more flexible approach. Besides, aerial inspection applies a consistent method that is standardised to achieve the target condition assessment. The inspection produces a permanent imagery record for regulatory, auditing and legal purposes and offers a written summary report. This report allows maintenance prioritisation and provides tailored information that helps in enhancing your decision-making on investment and strategic planning. Using aerial inspection services helps in overcoming the shortcomings of traditional foot patrols. This is because it combines the ability of the machine used in taking photographs with the skills of the photographer to […]