asset inpection services

May 4, 2018

Flare stack inspection procedure

Flare stack inspection procedure by aerial photography and video capture A flare stack or gas flare is a combustion equipment used to exhaust and burn unusable waste gas in industrial facilities like oil refineries, natural gas plants, and chemical processing installations. Oil and gas production plants for oil wells, offshore oil rigs, gas wells and landfills require a flare stack for safety measures. It is of utmost importance that the flare stack inspection procedure should be in strict compliance with the safety regimen of the facility. To ensure that the flare stack inspection procedure follows protocol, a drone does the basic checking for the crew who used to implement manual checking of the safety device. Manual inspection follows procedure by checking out the mechanical details of a flare stack equipment. The monitoring crew regularly check the physical condition of the device to ensure that it is working properly. The risk involved of men physically investigating the status of the flare gas equipment includes crew injuries, productivity bog down, and possible human errors. One of the effective solutions for the flare stack inspection procedure is by the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) strapped with cameras to gather accurate information. […]