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September 11, 2017

Establishing Accuracy in UAV Mapping: The Basics

Drones are here to stay. They have changed the way we do photography, inspections and mapping. While it is true that UAV do not necessarily create a special type of map unique to only drones, they make the surveying process easier and faster. A drone will enable you to do work that would otherwise take weeks to do. The accessible of drones, also known as UAV, has created mapping hobbyists. Easily accessible, high quality, relatively low priced drones that can be gotten online such as the DJI Mavic Pro and the DJI Phantom allow amateurs to create survey-grade accurate photogrammetric maps and three-dimensional models. At Droneworxs we use a Matrice M600 drone with RTK ( Real Time Kinematic ) both on the Drone and a base station to provide mm accuracy in the XY and Z axis Defining UAV Mapping Accuracy There are two ways expert view accuracy in relation to drone maps, and these are global (or absolute) accuracy and local (or relative) accuracy. Local accuracy / Relative accuracy: Relative accuracy is defined by given locations or points on the map. Relative accuracy is the degree of accuracy of points on a map to other points on the same map. […]
September 11, 2017

How to Perform Inspections with the Help of Drones

Examining your building for wear and tear at least once every year is not an option if you desire to catch deteriorations’ and water infiltrations issues before they get the chance to escalate into costly damages and hazardous conditions. An impressive number of enterprises’ are utilizing drones for their visual inspections, since it’s a cost efficient and conscious mean to inspect high and inaccessible regions. Advantages of drone inspections. A higher level of safety. Reduced downtime. Access to hard-to-reach regions. Detailed and sharp photographs of defects. A quick overview and assessment of every condition. Optimized production. Relatively cheaper. Normally drone inspections are recommended in the following three categories; Offshore constructions The offshore environment is usually regarded as demanding and tough, and it’s imperative that faults and loss of production are kept to the minimum. An illustration of a consignment comprising these elements is a flame inspection on an oil or gas platform, where the flame is still active. In such areas, drones collect images while production goes on unaffected. Onshore Constructions Usually, drones are constrained from flying to an altitude of more than 100 meters though most companies are authorized to perform inspections at heights higher than 100 meters. Such […]
September 11, 2017

Brisbane Drone Flying Regulations

Drones (also alluded to as Unmanned aerial vehicles) have surged in affordability and popularity in Brisbane over the last couple of years, and there is no improbability that “for fun” drone utilization has been on the upsurge as a result. The problem is, not all recreational drone pilots comprehend the law, and in case they do, then most of them do not appear to be obeying it. The other month, a Brisbane recreational drone pilot was under investigation by the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority after clearly hovering a drone over a swarming Bunnings park just to collect a sausage at a sausage sizzle. In Brisbane, Australia, in case you desire to fly a drone for amusement, then you do not need Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority’s (CASA) approval provided that you abide by the authority’s straight forward rules. These rules are also referred to as standard operating conditions. You need to only fly your drone inside a visual line of sight, i.e., where you will be able to see the drone with your eyes all the time, rather than with assistance from a telescope or binoculars. Even more, you are only allowed to fly in visual meteorological regulations, which […]