Drones and its overall impact on our lives
December 28, 2017
5 ways of using drones for real estate photography
January 2, 2018Times have changed, and evolution is evident in just about every facet of life. The way things used to be done is not the same way they are done. For instance, the type and quality of cars produced in the 70’s and 80’s is a far cry from what is obtainable in recent times. Life is a whole lot easier because of the advent and effect of technology. In all of this, photography is not left out. Several years ago, photography was just about taking pictures and capturing images and videos. It was tasteless and without any form of dynamism. During those periods, the camera was only a means of preserving memories. There was absolutely nothing more to it. However, as mentioned earlier, times have changed, and a whole lot have changed about photography too. Pictures are no longer for memories or remembrance alone. They are for business and commercial purposes too, and greater attention is paid to how pictures are taken and videos captured.
In those times, taking pictures from a distance or height posed enormous amount of challenges. Thankfully, those fears are non-existent again. Photography is no longer limited by space, height, or distance. A solution has been found for aerial photography, and that solution is simply the use of drones.
We have been discussing drones and detailing its importance in photography and also flare stack inspection and it seems we are over flogging its relevance. This is very far from the truth. We are only saying it as it is.
Aerial Photography and How Much It Costs
Generally, there is no fixed rate for aerial photography services. The charges and prices vary, and this is due to several factors. The difference in price of obtaining imagery from an elevated position depends on where, when and for what purpose the image or video is meant for. The amount charged for aerial photography services in Dublin is not the same as what you would find in Amsterdam. So, whether you are a film/moviemaker, a contractor, or a business owner, you must be prepared for this. The price range also depends heavily on the type of company involved and how prestigious a firm it is.
Another factor that determines how much one would pay for this service is the purpose for which it is meant. The price range for real estate photography is very different from the amount charged for inspection services.
Companies that use drones for aerial photography are really springing up. In fact, over the last five (5) years there is a steady increase in the number of this type of companies in various cities all over the world. Frankly speaking, these companies are making huge profits because they are insightful. They know the importance of drones and taking images from an elevated position. They offer drone aerial photography services, and some of them even offer drone hiring services. All in all, this is only a testament to the fact that sooner or later, drones will take over the world of photography.