Wind Turbine Blade Inspection with Drones (UAV)
Wind Turbine Blade Inspections service by Droneworxs can inspect wind turbine rotor blades can suffer damage as they are subjected to extremely variable weather conditions. When blades become damaged, dirty or faulty the total productivity of your turbine may be considerably reduced.
We can work closely with your engineering and maintenance teams to provide high-quality real-time imagery of each of your turbine assets, reducing down-time and associated costs.
Our RPA can analyse the blades and structure of each wind turbine asset in seconds, moving to multiple locations in a wind farm with minimal time delay, allowing you to survey and analyse HD imagery much quicker than traditional telephotography or manual inspection methods.
During an inspection, your engineer will direct the Droneworxs RPA pilot to fly to the required position for analysis. A real-time video feed will be displayed on the ground so that the engineer can quickly identify any potential problems and demand a more in-depth survey of that particular region.
HD video will be recorded of the survey, with findings documented in a comprehensive report and complimentary DVD with files in a format of your choice up to 1080p.
A safer working environment
Personnel can remain on the ground instead of working at height, in all weathers.
Reduced downtime
Droneworxs RPA can reach work height (up to 120m) in less than a minute and begin producing results immediately.
Higher quality imagery from any vantage point
Our highly-skilled RPA operators can fly within 2 metres of a wind turbine, producing unsurpassed image quality in great detail.
Making the inaccessible accessible
The RPA can be directed to the blade tips to perform a survey that would traditionally be dangerous and time-consuming in a matter of minutes.
Dynamic Surveying
Using real-time imagery streamed to the ground, your engineer can direct the survey to investigate any potential issues while the RPA is in the air allowing focused results.